Apostle Dr. Patti Mack-Tucker

Apostle Dr. Patti Mack-Tucker is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Victory Lighthouse Christian Church. She is called as an Apostle and Prophet to the nations. Apostle Patti was licensed and ordained over 28 years ago by her spiritual father; the late Dr. Lester Sumrall. In 2007, she was consecrated as an Apostle by Bishop Bart Pierce and Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams; who is also the spiritual covering for her ministries. She is also a spiritual covering for other Apostles and ministry gifts worldwide.
Apostle Patti is a strong prophetic voice to the nations and has confidently embraced her gift to minister to hurting and abused men and women worldwide. As a highly sought-after conference speaker; her messages transcend global, cultural and denominational barriers. The fruit of her ministerial labors are clearly visible in terms of documented healings, deliverances and financial breakthroughs.
Apostle Patti is a strong advocate of teaching people to study and understand the truth of God’s Word. Towards this end, she does extensive teaching via television and radio to empower others through the Word of God. As one who is passionate about empowering others through education, she is also the author of several award-winning books. Her publications include “What You Should Know Before Starting A Business”, “Stay Close To The Blessing”, and “Help for The Wounded Soul” (Available on Amazon.com).
Apostle Patti is a world-renown business strategist, speaker, and best-selling author with over 40 years of business experience. As an individual who is called to the nations of the world; she has fearlessly carried her message of hope and healing to the furthest reaches of the globe. She serves as an international host and liaison; meeting with Presidents and dignitaries from around the world. She has also led countless mission trips to bring much needed food and supplies.
Apostle Patti boldly asserts that she “loves being a woman”. She is a devoted wife to her husband Cline and they have been married for 45 years. She looks forward to hearing from her Savior, “Well Done, thou good and faithful servant” and lives her life in constant preparation for that day.